舉個例子,以下的C語言代碼示例演示了如何使用write函數在控制臺中輸出“Hello, world!”(代碼中使用到了escape character “\n”,在輸出完字符串后會自動換行):
#includeint main() { write(1, "Hello, world!\n", 14); return 0; }
write-off是write和off兩個單詞組合成的一個復合詞,它的意思是“注銷”、“作廢”,常見于會計、保險等行業。在會計中,如果公司的某個資產(如應收賬款、存貨等)由于無法收回或者已經過期,就需要將其從資產負債表中刪除。這個過程就叫做write-off。根據公司的不同政策,write-off可以直接減少對應的資產 / 應收賬款金額,或者是將其轉化為壞賬準備(bad debt reserve)以備日后核銷。
import pandas as pd # 全部賬目 df = pd.read_csv('accounts.csv') # 所有壞賬 bad_accounts = df.loc[df['status'] == 'bad'] # write-off操作 df = df.loc[df['status'] != 'bad']
三、write off會計
write off會計是write-off的一個專業領域,它主要研究資產、負債和收益等方面的會計處理方法。在write off會計中,write-off是一個重要的操作,它能夠幫助公司更加精確地反映其實際的財務狀況。
以下是一些write off會計方面的相關術語:
fixed assets write-off:固定資產的write-off; inventory write-off:存貨的write-off; customer accounts write-off:客戶賬戶的write-off。四、write off例句
以下是一些關于write off的例句:
“I think it's time you wrote off that old car of yours.”(時間到了,你該把你的那輛舊車注銷了。) “We had to write off a lot of bad debts last year.”(去年我們不得不注銷了不少壞賬。) “The company has written off £2m from its profits this year to pay for restructuring.”(該公司今年注銷了200萬英鎊用于結構調整。)